EPA Network Interest group on Environment and Tourism

The Interest Group on Environment and Tourism (IGET) brings together experts from environmental protection agencies' (EPAs) and National Touristic Authorities.

IGET photoThe Interest Group on Environment and Tourism (IGET) has been set up in 2021 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, believing that the dramatic crisis of the tourism industry could be viewed as an opportunity to rethink the sector in a sustainable perspective.

IGET was essentially established to help assessing emerging threats to the environment induced by the post-COVID recovery of the tourism industry and to set up a permanent think-tank on tourism-environment relations.

IGET main mission is to ensure environmental protection is given priority consideration in all aspects of tourism policies, programmes and projects, while at the same time favouring the flourishing of the sector. It wants to enhance and encourage the development of a European sustainable tourism policy, respectful of the environment and it works to support and promote the development of sustainable tourism destinations where environment and natural values are respected and preserved.

IGET commitments and priorities are described in a position paper prepared by the Group and endorsed by the EPA Network in December 2022.

Recent work 

Best practice and experience sharing

IGET follows closely the European and national policy discussions and processes related to Tourism and Environment in order to consolidate “best practices” documents and share strategic insights with the Heads of EPAs during plenary meetings.

IGET meets regularly and exchanges knowledge and experiences on practical examples of mainstreaming and measuring on Tourism and Environment within EU countries. Persons affiliated with EPAs are welcome to join the group as members; others we welcome as observers to the meetings.


Current members of IGET:
• Austria: Environment Agency Austria
• Croatia: Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
• Finland: Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE
• France (observer): ADEME - French Ecological Transition Agency
• Germany: German Environmental Agency
• Hungary (observer): Hungarian Meteorological Service
• Ireland: Environmental Protection Agency, Fáilte Ireland
• Italy: ISPRA- Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
• Malta: Environment and Resources Authority, Malta Tourism Authority
• Portugal: Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Turismo de Portugal
• Slovakia (observer): Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, SAŽP/Slovak Environment Agency
• Spain: Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge
• Sweden (observer): Swedish Environment Protection Agency 

• Switzerland (observer): Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)

IGET is currently co-chaired by Giovanni Finocchiaro (ISPRA) and Stefania Minestrini (ISPRA) and it is supported by the EPA Network Secreteriat.
For more information, please contact the co-chairs giovanni.finocchiaro@isprambiente.it and stefania.minestrini@isprambiente.it or the group through our functional mailbox