Reportnet 3.0

Vision documents from the Scoping Study

Business Vision aims to outline the high-level vision of the project, describing the future business processes and the user requirements as collected and analyzed within the life cycle of this project.

Architecture of To-Be aims to outline the high-level vision of the target software architecture of the project and describes the principles as well as some important aspects of the future system from different viewpoints.

Requirements Catalogue lists the requirements based on the interviews conducted with Reportnet users and feedbacks from the project stakeholders. 

Final reports from the Feasibility Studies

Reporting directly to a database tests the feasibility of replacing the current file-based storage with a database storage platform to support the services and workflows supported by the Reportnet platform. 

Reportnet and data harvesting using INSPIRE infrastructure explores and assesses up to which extent the national services available through the INSPIRE infrastructure can actually contribute to streamline the reporting process, by automating as much as possible the collection of geospatial datasets pertaining to reporting obligations that are available through INSPIRE services. Two reports are produced under this feasibility study: